Noon hour update Friday Feb. 16

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Noon hour update Friday Feb. 16

Post by admin »

Nothing to report about possible tenant issues to the end of the week. I spoke to one of the building managers in my area today, and I asked her to post the "Official Plan" for one of the construction projects. You know the paper that buyer-entities have to sign, per the Condominum Act and all of that.

Apparently one tenant in my building has called Toronto Fire re: safety issues around the overbuild, in the area of the Ontario Science Centre.

The local councillor is also having a meeting at Don Mills Collegiate on March 4th if I'm not mistaken. Last year (March 27, 2023) over a hundred people attended, several in tears about... you guessed it... THE ISSUES!!
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Re: Noon hour update Friday Feb. 16

Post by admin »

I ended up missing most of the March 4th meeting at Don Mills Collegiate, but what I did catch was impressive. Here's a quick composite image. - Roman


Note that these meetings do not talk to each other... so March 4th [Edit - Admin] probably did not mention last year's event (March 27, 2023), and next year's meeting will not reference these two previous ones. But you can bet that well-heeled developers are standing by in the wings, waiting to pounce on stuff they like! And conversely they will study the councillor's notes to look for things are are otherwise worthy of note. Councillor's notes - hmmmm! Tough nut to crack, that one.
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